Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mardi Gras Marathon 2005

We three finishers The first marathon for Sweet Pea and me: She fell and scaped her knee and I limped with painful blisters... but we finished... smiling!!! Runner Don finished and came back to escort & cheer our last 4 miles or so.
The Oaks, the neighborhoods, the parks... the people and the music.
Oh what memories... especially of New Orleans as it was and never will be...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this picture and great memory. It's getting me excited about my marathon! :)

Unknown said...

Great job. Love the medal(s)!!

Unknown said...

Great job. Love the medal(s)!!

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) said...

Nice memories from your first big event!

I'm just catching up on some of your posts.

The story about the space heater is pretty scary!

Looking forward to warmer days in MN so we can not have to heat the house or bundle up on the run!

Anne said...

How nice that you got to experience New Orleans under the best of circumstances for a runner. And I'm with you: Hooray to February!

peter said...

No, W is going to fix it back to the way it was, no worries. He said so, remember?

First marathons are great memories. I'm glad you saw NO the way it was, I wish I had.

JustRun said...

Yet another one that's on my list!

Susan said...

WOW - that is a great medal! Oh so well deserved!

I have not been to NOLA post-Katrina, but I certainly want to. Maybe next year I can do that race!

Congrats on the first of many! :)

Vickie said...

Beautiful medals! I always wanted to do that one. Probably won't now. I too have good memories of New Orleans--before Katrina. I want to leave them intact.

Anonymous said...

That really is a cool medal. I have mine in a box and I take them out from time to time to look at them. Oh, the memories!