Sunday, February 24, 2008

36 degrees: Gone Running!


Anne said...

It's amazing how quickly the body adapts to cold, isn't it? Here, our blood's so thin that 36 degrees would have us shuttered in our warm houses like it was 12 degrees. Glad you got some fresh air.

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a good run :)

Nancy said...

Good job taking advantage of the heat wave. Hope you savored the best day of the year!

Backofpack said...

Shoot, 36 degrees? You're probably wearing shorts and a tank with temps like that! I'm glad you are getting a shot at the great outdoors again. Can spring be far behind?

peter said...

A heat wave!

Sunshine, you mentioned that cooking magazine survey. Check out page 75 of that Cooking Light issue that ranked DC as the 3d best city for whatever (October 2007 issue). You'll see someone you recognize there (me!). My 15 minutes.

Nat said...

YAY for WARMTH! Hope you had a good one outside!

Unknown said...

It's a heat wave! LOL.

rocketpants said...

36 after the cold you have had does seem like a heat wave!! Enjoy

Anonymous said...

It's starting to warm up a bit around here, but I wouldn't mind the 36 degrees too much. You must still be running :)