Sunday, April 5, 2009

Snowy April Day

A couple of inches of snow overnight decorated our Palm Sunday world.

So... our 4 mile walking running was on the indoor track (13.5 laps per mile).
Sweet Pea and I did another couple of miles in the neighborhood in the late afternoon. The April snow was gone, leaving only a trace in the shade.

My first stab at cooking lentils: (on the far side of the plate)
French green lentils, organic baby spinach, onion, organic brown rice pasta, cumin, chipotle pepper, black pepper, Laughing Cow light cheese spread.

Near side of the plate: leftover pork roast with apples and dried cranberries

Orange wedge is roasted sweet potato.

First and last pictures by Sweet Pea


DawnB said...

A snow wonderland in April. That dish looks delicious

A Plain Observer said...

You had snow in April? Don't know if I rather take that than the wind we had...I think I'm hungry again after looking at that dish.

Unknown said...

crazy weather, beautiful food. :-)

Backofpack said...

We finally got a warm and sunny day! And, while your trees were covered with snow, our Thundercloud Plums started to bloom today - a light pink with dark unfurling leaves at the moment, soon to be fluffy pink clouds. They line our street and really mean spring! Of course, we had snow last weekend, so who knows if it will last? And travel through the pass was stopped both yesterday and today for avalanche danger...hard to believe it's April!

Beth said...

Do you think that is the last we'll see of winter? It was a pretty snow and your pictures are beautiful. Glad you got your run in at the track.

Vickie said...

While I have cooked lentils, I have found I do not like them. Hopefully you did. So far, no snow. And only a slight rain shower. Lets hope it stays well south of us. In any event, inside workouts all around it seems.

Lily on the Road said...

Hi Sunshine, thanks for stopping by again, it has been awhile.

The quote was from Pope Benedict XVI, on Palm Sunday.

Need I say more??

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) said...

I'm glad the snow made only a very brief appearance!

That sweet potato looks fantastically delicious!

Dori said...

Snow in April--that's just wrong! The pictures look beautiful, though.

Unknown said...

Where's the warmer weather?? It felt like winter today. I am practically sick and tired. I am in a dire strait for warmer temperature and sunshine.

The dish looks tempting!

Anonymous said...

We actually had snow last week as well, but it was still March. I'm ready for the sun.

IronWaddler said...

It was a beautiful snow but thankfully did not stay long.

Calyx Meredith said...

I couldn't handle the snow in your part of the world, but I'm almost brave enough to try lentils. :D