Thursday, August 7, 2008

8 on the 8th ?

On Tuesday, on the trail, 8.6 miles.
On Thursday (today), on the trail, 14 miles.

Some folks are participating in a virtual race: 8 miles on the 8th.
See Nancy's blog:
Incidentally, Friday (tomorrow) is 08-08-08 ... whichever order you prefer!!

On the trail today we came upon a wild turkey ....

Actually, we saw THREE wild turkeys!

Wild flowers are mostly yellow and gold and orange now, and today, as hot as it was in the sun, in the shadows and the shade of the trees, there was chill, harbinger of autumn.


rocketpants said...

Great pics with the turkey's! Enjoy your 8 on the 8!

wendy said...

very nice pics, as usual. I didn't even realize it's already 8/8/8, WOW! Have a good run!

Anne said...

It's been years since I've run into wild turkeys. Your terrific photos are conjuring up great memories of Cape Cod. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Wow. Turkeys.

8/8/8 seems like a special day from a numbers perspective.

Anonymous said...

Nice running mileage this week :)

ShirleyPerly said...

Cool turkeys! I remember seeing several in Hawaii at this one place we stayed at. Always a treat to see them roaming around.

Have fun with the 8 on the 8th!

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) said...

Turkeys? Autumn? Yellow? Orange???

Say it ain't so!

I'm not ready, I'm not ready!

(State Fair is only two weeks away, can you believe that???)

Backofpack said...

Those turkeys are big! Looks like you've been busy - enjoying the wonderful summer weather and putting those icy winter memories out of your mind. Nice shots of the fireworks! I see Sweetpea is the picture-poster, but who is the photographer? Is that you?

Sunshine said...

Yes, those really are hefty turkeys. I wouldn't want an attack.
Sweet Pea takes about a third of the pictures, I guess. I take all the shots while we are running.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your recent comment. I'd not really thought about it before, but half-marathon does sounds kinda negative and inadaquate. Maybe I'll start thinking of them as thirteen-point-ones. :)

Anonymous said...

Very cool to see the wild turkeys! I love seeing wildlife along the trail.

CewTwo said...

Autumn? How sad. I keep thinking of October (and Chicago). What will the weather be like? What should I take to run in?

I am so looking forward to this!

Great pics! I run into turkeys all the time (but not the bird type...)

Sunshine said...

Ah yes, THOSE turkeys!!

DawnB said...

thanks for sharing I don't get to see sights like that. congrats on you running you're having a great week.

Dori said...

It's way too early to think about autumn! It's not even State Fair time. :-) I have been noticing a change in color here, but I'm in denial about summer leaving. I encountered wild turkeys on a recent run, also, and was afraid they would attack me like the Canada geese do. But they just meandered to the side of the road and let us pass. Cool that you got pictures!