Sunday, March 16, 2008

Great Day for the Human Race

Human Race, 8K at 1:20 this afternoon, temperature 36 degrees, south wind about 9 mph
Runners ran on both sides of the boulevard, historic Summit Avenue in St. Paul.

There's Sweet Pea in the white jacket.

Turn around at William Mitchell College of Law, where Runner Dude graduated 10 years ago.
Sweet Pea coming to the finish line. Her time was 4 seconds less than last year! Notice Runner Dude, in orange, over on the left, cheering her on.
Sweet Runner, having a Masterpiece Day!
You can read about his results at Mayo last week on the posts for March 3-7 on Myeloma Hope.

My time was a 1:27 less than last year, which delighted me, because I am not feeling particularly fit right now. Last year at this time I had finished 2 marathons since New Years.

We ran indoors and out this past week... and participated in myeloma information/support group meetings in both Stillwater and St. Louis Park.


rocketpants said...

Brrrr...glad you got out there and enjoyed the day anyway and even improved your times!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your race! It looks like a great day for one.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful family of runners you are. Way to go!

Vickie said...

Great job getting out there in the still cold weather. Although, I'm sure you feel the same as I do: 36 degrees is almost balmy after the last few months! Sweet Pea is doing great! Four seconds is four seconds. Not everyone can hold on like that. Say hello to her for me.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a great, fun day! I'm glad you enjoyed the race, and great job on your time improvement from last year :)

ShirleyPerly said...

Congrats on the improvement!! Looks like a great day, though way too cold for my taste. Cool to see some folks decked out in their St. Patricks day greenery.

Margaret said...

Hey, sounds as though you all might be ready for the Marathon in Rome next year. I watched parts of it on TV yesterday and almost wished that I were a runner. Looked like fun, people cheering and laughing (except for the serious front-runners who were mostly panting), and the! Every once in a while the live broadcast would show shots of Rome taken from a helicopter. Really lovely!
Florence, Italy

CewTwo said...

It looks like everyone had a fun time. I like St. Paul. Thanks for taking photos and sharing them!

Dori said...

Oh, how I miss the Minnesota races! Congratulations on beating your time from last year. I loved running the Human Race. Great pictures. :-)

Backofpack said...

I bet it was great to be outside and running. Great times for both of you on the race - so much fun to do those as a family.

JustRun said...

Congrats on your race! :)

Nancy said...

Yeah for outdoor running!! I'm about to do my first indoor tri which includes 33 laps on an indoor track. I have been thinking about you and how you get through it. I know you do it all the time. Hope I can keep moving!!

Great pics. Thanks for sharing those!

peter said...

That's grand that you and Sweetpea had good times and eclipsed your old times. Those photos reminded me of the last miles of the 2004 TCM, running down Summit Avenue being called John b/c I was wearing a John Kerry t-shirt. My sister's house is only three blocks from where the road from the river winds up and joins Summit Avenue. I went visiting to the Mitchell College of Law when they had all those Snoopy statues around.

Susan said...

Congrats on the great race! And you should consider photography as a second career!

Rich said...

Looked like a beautiful day out there!