Sunday, March 18, 2012

Maryland Signs

On I80 in eastern Ohio, car trip to the Annapolis marathon (see previous post.)

On the trail

On the wall of the high school hosting the expo and post-race activities

More signs on the trail

At the historic Annapolis State House, at one time serving as national capitol

Another sign in the school hallway

Art lives at this school!

Back on the trail

No dead ends on the trail. The entire course was well-defined and staffed with volunteers.

Marvelous spring day, March 4, temperature at noon on race day

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

B&A Trail Marathon and Half Marathon

Annapolis Striders' races on the Baltimore and Annapolis Trail
Holly along the trail

Runners gathering in the high school before the races

And the runners are off.....

Annapolis Striders' bunny mile makers

Kids cheering, bells and whistles

Many many Navy shirts, men and women runners

Go Navy Women!

Families came to cheer

Kids helped out with volunteer jobs.

Turned out to be a "high flying sky day" (poet John Ciardi)

This was absolutely the only evidence on the half marathon trail of recent rains.

Bridges on the trail are substantial.

DAFFODILS were abundant in the Annapolis area, along the trail and in ditches were no exception.

Last water stop!
Water stops were adequate for a chilly day.
And the very last water stop was enthusiastic and cheering until the last runners came by.
Yea Volunteers!

They did NOT run out of post-race food: oranges, whole bananas, bagels and cream cheese, pizza.

Post race party

Wonderful volunteers in charge of awards

Two half marathon finisher's medals
Oh sad, though, they ran out of full marathon finisher's medals, which will have to be mailed later.

For more information about the B&A Trail Marathon, see my Don's blog: