Sunday, June 15, 2008

Run in the Forest 5K, etc.

Nice little Saturday 5K fun run on the Chisago County Sun Prairie Trail in Forest Lake, sponsored by Orthopaedic Sports Clinic.

In the afternoon we "doubled our pleasure" by doing 4K in the neighborhood.

Last evening we got some wind and lost a 24 foot spruce tree near the swing set.
You can see pictures of the major wind damage we had last August (a dozen large trees down), if you look at the posts between August 11 and August 20 in 2007.

This morning we all went out for a run in the neighborhood. Sweet Pea and I did a 5K. After we haul branches of the cut up spruce this afternoon, we hope to run another 2 miles in the neighborhood.


Vickie said...

I heard nothing last night and apparently we had quite a wind storm too. Several large trees down at the zoo park. Good work on your 5k and all the extra running! Once I'm done with a race, I find it impossible to go out and run again. Swim or bike yes, but not run again.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That tree looks taller than 24 feet. Hopefully no damage was done other than to the tree.

ShirleyPerly said...

Sorry for the loss of your tree! Hope it didn't hit anything valuable. Looks like lots of extra exercise in addition to the running.

Sunshine said...

The tree did fall in a good direction. It is a mystery that we didn't lose it in the much stronger wind last summer. We will miss the tree .. and yes, some "cross-training" in the clean-up. Always good to take care not to get hurt in that kind of project.

CewTwo said...

Sounds to me like the wind gave you quite the "Tree-tment!"

7 winters ago, a large maple tree branch fell from a tree in our yard into a neighbor's yard. No damage and we cleaned it up quickly. No matter how much complaining I did, I still had to work on the project...

Enjoy your cross training!

rocketpants said...

Quite the tree!

Sounds like some good mileage in there.

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) said...

Sorry to hear about your tree. Those winds were fierce! I saw lots of broken branches, limbs and overturned trees when I took a little spin along Minnehaha Parkway last Sunday.

LOVE your scouting photos. I have wonderful memories of scouting too.

Renee said...

Good mileage, but I am sorry to hear about the tree clean up! Crazy weather.

Unknown said...

looks like a beautiful run. lucky you!

Anne said...

I'm curious: Does spruce burn well in fireplaces? I wouldn't know since it's against the law to use wood-burning stoves in southern California, but it would a shame to have all that fresh wood go to waste. Great photo perspective too.