Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lumberjack Days 5K

The start of the race, at the boomsite on the St. Croix River, 5K north of downtown Stillwater. Picture by Sweet Pea.

I walked.. and even ran a little. My knee hurt in 3 major different places, so I changed pace and mode often. This race is usually miserably hot, but today there was a pleasant breeze and running felt energizing.

Othopaedic Sports always has a tent at the end with give-away treats.
One of their therapists has been a major help and encouragement to me in my recovery journey.
Hours after the race, I don't think I suffered additional injury from the race.

The hail/rain storm yesterday morning left drifts of ice on the deck.


ShirleyPerly said...

Glad you were able to participate in the 5K. And that the hail/rain storm did not occur during the race!

Backofpack said...

I'm glad you are finding ways to feed your running desire! Good too that you didn't injure anything further, and a bummer that it still hurt. Sure hoping for a complete recovery for you soon!

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) said...

Congrats on getting back in to racing -- you'll be recovered soon and able to run the whole distance again soon....

Unknown said...

I love a good storm. Talk about mystifying!

Glad you were able to participate in the 5K. Kudos !!!

Anonymous said...

Always nice to have good weather on the run. Glad to hear there is no further injury.

Vickie said...

I'm glad to see you are still getting out there, despite still recovering. We got hail last week also! Lasted about 5 min.

A Plain Observer said...

YAY you ran a little!
so you're having rain too. That's all we have known for two months

peter said...

Ice in July? Only in MN. When I was a State Trooper in CO July & August were clear (the tourist months) altho we talked about all the RVs that wound up on the bottom of mountain passes, in crashes, that had FL plates. Because there was usually a good snowstorm early in the season in September that caught those unsuspecting folks.

Elaine Merrill said...

Good for you for hanging in there. Sounds like you are getting increasingly mobile. Also, thanks as always for the beautiful photos!

DawnB said...

its wonderful when you have gotten acustom to hot, humid conditions for a certain race and then one year you have the most wonderful weather.

participating in races even when you are not 100% does a mind good :)

Even better is there was additonal injur from the race.