Tuesday, February 19, 2008

UW River Falls

Runner Don Another indoor track explored: Knowles Center, University of Wisconsin, River Falls. For a small fee, open to the public most mornings during the school year.

Tomorrow we do weights/resistance training at home.. and now that I have written it here, I really have to do it!


rocketpants said...

Wow there are lots of indoor tracks...but I guess that is to be expected in MN.

CewTwo said...

Weight training? My Doctor suggests that I need to be doing it. I am so hesitant though. I'll have to follow your progress!

Fe-lady said...

Yeah, once it is written, it HAS to be completed....my motto too!
Weights rock and you will notice the difference in your running!

Anonymous said...

You confused me with the title since I always think of UW as the University of Washington. Good luck with the weight/resistance training.

Anonymous said...

I like the look of that indoor track. That would seem better than treadmill running to me :)

peter said...

That's cool that you explore new tracks, even across state lines.