Sunday, January 11, 2009

Shirley at Zoom Ya Ya Marathon

Shirleyperly (see sidebar) flew up from Florida to run the Zoom Ya Ya Marathon at the indoor track at St. Olaf in Northfield. Minnesota is her 41st state.

Shirley was great to watch, smiling, waving. Running negative splits she finished looking strong and speedy.
Snowy Minnesota countryside view from the indoor track.
Marathon was run on the upper track. Some of the time,on the track below, we ran.. and then walked, while shouting cheers to the runners above. Across the space, in front of the windows, you can see the time-keepers... a lap counter from the women's track department for each runner.
Here we are with Shirley, Zoom Ya Ya Marthon finisher!



ShirleyPerly said...

So WONDERFUL to meet you, Sweet Pea and Don (who I apologize to for calling him Dan the whole time). Thank you for taking the time to come to the race and have coffee afterwards. I now think this race is my favorite small race!

PS - Hope you don't mind that I use some of your photos in my race report. The ones you posted are not bad/blurry at all!

Backofpack said...

Whoa, I can't imagine running an indoor marathon! Kudos to Shirley, and to you for cheering her on!

IronWaddler said...

Love the photos. Toguh way to do a marathon.

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) said...

YIKES! An indoor marathon? I don't think I have the mental stamina for that.

Kudos to Shirley!

Hope you and Sweet Pea are doing great!

Anonymous said...

Wow! A marathon on an indoor track. I like it!

Vickie said...

Wow, leaving the sunshine state to run inside on a track in the frozen tundra state. That's impressive! Always fun to meet a fellow blogger too.

Nat said...

Great photos! I can't imagine running that many laps! Wow.

CewTwo said...

Wow! How cool is that?

peter said...

Cool! And what a shot of the inhospitable outdoors! Way to go Shirley!

Anonymous said...

Great photos--great days for you. I'm so glad!