Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Twin Cities Marathon Races

After missing the window of opportunity to register for the Twin Cities Marathon last spring, Sweet Pea and I put our names in the envelope and made it in the drawing for the Twin Cities 10 mile race.

Perhaps you heard that it rained?! Forty-eight degrees and about an hour of really pouring rain: soaking wet socks ... even shoe laces can be bothersome when they are heavy with water... feeling returned to my fingers a couple of hours after the race.
I was so cold that I couldn't think about much but keeping on keeping on running.

It was my favorite temperature for racing... minus the rain.
About 35 degrees cooler than Chicago a year ago. We had a good time.

All 3 of us finished our races.

You can click on the map for a nice detailed enlargement.

Haven't read blogs.. or posted anything new for a while. I'm fine; just a lot going on here. Thanks to friends who have wondered.

Below is a trail in one of the Washington County Parks, picture taken late on a cloudy afternoon. Actually, on a sunny day the maples are lovely this year.


ShirleyPerly said...

Boy, you sure can pick 'em! It seems the last couple races you've done have been tough weather-wise. Congrats on "weathering it out" and earning those unique looking medals!

Anne said...

You've certainly shown you and Sweet Pea are no fairweather runners. Love those medals too.

Anonymous said...

I like those medals.

Vickie said...

Nice hardware! Any race in cold rain deserves a nice medal.

rocketpants said...

Way to push it out even in the rain! Sounds like it was quite the rain storm!

Dori said...

Congratulations on your race! Good for you for persevering.