Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Misc.

Yesterday a storm system poured rain here, and then soon after, there were tornado warnings for the area east of us. Amazing how regularly there are warning or watch "boxes" somewhere.
We don't run in thunderstorms, but Sweet Pea and I have these weekly totals:
Week ending July 4: 28.8 miles
Week ending July 11: 17.3 miles
Week ending July 18: 20.2 miles
Yesterday and today: 10.6 miles... with 5 days left to run this week.
Stormy weather yesterday.....

This is vegetable curry: just an assortment of vegetables, not stirred together.
Beets, beet greens, ginger, leeks, zucchini, not sure what others.
A quarter of a cup of coconut milk added... and as much turmeric as I can tolerate!
Half a can of Eden organic diced tomatoes! I have shared with myeloma group, family, and on this blog what I discovered about a connection between gluten intolerance and nightshade (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant).
I am reading so much about benefits of tomatoes, that I am serving them a couple of times a week. The lycopenes and antioxidants win ... in moderation.

Fruit and walnuts: great combination.

Yesterday we were with our Godson and wife and their adorable amazing 3-year-old who live in California. What joy!!

Some flowers from our garden to wish everyone a good week....


Susan said...

Your food looks AMAZING!!!

Vickie said...

Your run mileage is amazing! I wish I could accumulate that much again. Too much else to do! The food pics are making me hungry after my busy weekend. And I concur on the stormy weather. We really lucked out this weekend when the storms tracked elsewhere, but it was always a potential threat.

ShirleyPerly said...

Oh, that curry looks YUMMY!!

And, yes, those thunderstorms are an all too familiar sight down here in FL during the summers. I would trade the temperatures you probably have for those we have, though!

Sunshine said...

Shirley: So impressive to do a marathon in Montana in July! Loved the pictures.

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) said...

Seriously: it is time for you to publish a cookbook.


Nat said...

Wow! Those cloud photos are kind of scary! Love the flowers!

Anonymous said...

Love the photos! The storms look pretty cool, but I agree about not running in them. I'm hungry now.

rocketpants said...

Have you posted about your concern with nightshades? I have some friends who are gluten intolerant. I would love any input to pass along if you have seen a connection.

Nancy said...

Nice mileage. Always love your pics!!!