Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What's Going On?

Making tracks on the elevated indoor track at the community center

Brought sweet potato pie to the Stillwater myeloma meeting

Mailed a Christmas box to distant family

Regularly reading some runner's blogs

Read about the new Weight Watchers Momentum plan on message boards

Shoveling snow off the deck


Regular blood check-up and meeting with Mayo Dr. for myeloma

Delighted to hold Godson & wife's baby after baptism

Staying well, eating good food, getting sleep


DawnB said...

must be the holidays!! Enjoy.:)

Anne said...

Sounds like your days are very full. I hope you'll have some downtime from all the medical appointments during the holidays, though I suppose illness never takes a rest, does it. Well, keep eating those sweet potato pies...they sound delicious.

Backofpack said...

Busy! I've never had sweet potato pie. Might have to try my hand at that! Enjoy your holidays!

ShirleyPerly said...

Good to hear you are doing well. Snow shoveling counts as cross-training, doesn't it? :-)

peter said...

Sounds like a full but wonderful plate. There's been no snow in DC yet except for a dusting a week ago, just enough for the road crews to get excited and throw tons of salt down. Now my car is all encrusted. Two days ago it was 60 degrees.

IronWaddler said...

Sounds like the holiday race is on..

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) said...

All sounds well with you, Sunshine!

I'll have to look at that WW info too.

rocketpants said...

Sounds like lots going on with everything and the season! Enjoy!!

Vickie said...

Stay warm and keep moving! Its all we can do in these climates.

Anonymous said...

The indoor track must be nice with the cold temperatures. I know a few of our run club members have been taking advantage of the indoor track at the Y. Including myself.

Anonymous said...

I will pass on your article introduced to my other friends, because really good!