Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Angel

Angel at the top of the lovely Christmas tree at the home of my brother and his wife.

Hoping your Christmas was good.

A puzzle for New Years Eve:
If you are ever blessed enough to reach the age of 70,


Wishing You....
Blessed and joyful New Year.. filled with loved ones, running and cross-training, and the healthiest food.

PS... Last run of the year: 6K at the community center indoor track


Anne said...

I like your wish for us...I think I'll take it. Happy New Year's!

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) said...

Hmmmm.....how will I celebrate at 70? Probably like I did at 50. At home, with Hubby, having a quiet night and being filled with gratitude.

Happy New Year Sunshine!

Vickie said...

I hope I can still run or at least be active at 70, like you! Happy New Year, to you, Sweet Pea, and Don.

DawnB said...

Thank you, a happy healthy new year to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! My mother always has an angel like that on the tree as well. Brings back memories...

Margaret said...

I thought about an answer for about 5 minutes...not an easy one, considering the fact that, if I ever reach the age of 70, I would be a 30 year myeloma survivor. Hmmm, I think I might have to give a call to the Guinness Book of World Records folks...

Seriously, though, I would spend it with my husband and cats, perhaps a few friends. A small and very happy gathering.

Speaking of happy, a very very Happy New Year to you, Don and Sweet Pea! Felice Anno Nuovo! :-)

Florence, Italy

kara said...

I had an Angel on top of my tree too. : )
Good luck with your planned runs this New Year.

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