Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Running running... and getting ready for Thanksgiving.

Don may run outdoors in nearly any kind of weather.. and sometimes he goes with us to the indoor track. I sort of prefer temperatures above 25 for outdoor activity (which means I don't ski anymore).
Running in above 40 degree weather is a great thing: shoes, shorts (optional knee covers), a shirt or two (or three?) ... depending on the humidity and the wind... and just run run run!

Thanksgiving is a great holiday... family together... no gifts required ...nearly everybody celebrates it...
Hoping you can spend it with those you love.

Extra encouragement to eat turkey... from Minnesota... first in the nation in turkey production.

Gobble gobble!


Anonymous said...

I've been running running...and getting ready for Thanksgiving, too :-)

I agree that Thanksgiving is a great holiday. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

ShirleyPerly said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

I'm with you on running in temps above 25. Actually, more like above 40 for me :-)

rocketpants said...

Have a great Thanksgiving! Enjoy the turkey and the running.

Backofpack said...

This vegetarian will enjoy most of the side dishes and desserts, but I'll pass on the turkey. Sorry, Minnesota!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

Vickie said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) said...

Happy Thanksgiving Sunshine!

(Cuddleduds long underware has a driwick version... helps me run outside during these cold days....)

Anonymous said...

I love the cold weather running myself. I hope you had a great holiday weekend.

peter said...

Minnesota leads the land in turkey production? Did Palin come down to pardon a turkey in your state?

Anonymous said...

Very rich and interesting articles, good BLOG!