Thursday, August 28, 2008

Race Directors Take Note! ....(Runners and Volunteers, too)


The above statement... in capital letters... is on the brochure for the
Bear Water Run ... 10 mile and 20 mile races around White Bear Lake on
September 13, 2008, 8 am.
Sponsored by the White Bear Lake Lions Club to benefit multiple charitable organizations in the community.

Hurrah for the race director.
Hurrah for the Lions Club.
Hurrah for young beginning runners who have not run that far before.
Hurrah for runners with injuries, who can't run so fast anymore.
Hurrah for runners whose cancer drugs have slowed their running.
Hurrah for runners with handicaps doing what they can.
Hurrah for 60-something folks who are slowing down.
Hurrah for the elite runners who win awards.
Hurrah for volunteers... always.
Hurrah for the wonderful sense of community fostered by a
rich variety of participants.

PS: Today Sweet Pea and I did 14 slow miles on the Trail this afternoon. Saw a couple of wild turkeys. Temp was 80 at 5:00 when we were still out there.


Don said...

Uff-da. I am VERY impressed that you did 14 miles in 80-degree heat. You go!

Unknown said...

That rocks!! Yay for the RD and volunteers who will keep the finish line open for anyone who chooses to finish. :-)

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) said...

I love it when Race Directors embrace the folks at the back of the pack -- for what ever reason we are at the back of that pack!

Steve Stenzel said...

Sounds like a fun race!! And congrats on the 14 miler!

Anonymous said...

Now that's a race director! What a welcoming statement. Well done on those 14 miles!

Lily on the Road said...

Good for YOU!! that is one hot day to get 14 miles in....congrats!!

Awesome news about the race and props to the race director....more and more, awareness should be given to those you "get the job done"...

Backofpack said...

My kind of race, for sure! I can't believe you logged those miles in that heat! Hope you drank lots and recovered well.

peter said...

Have you taken back your town yet from those big important Republicans?

CewTwo said...

That does rock! 14 miles in the heat!

I was supposed to run 13 Saturday, but I chose a destination run of 10 miles instead!

Great attitude! Keep it up!

JustRun said...

That's pretty cool. If a race wants to let anyone in, there shouldn't be time cutoffs. Except, maybe, dusk. :)

ShirleyPerly said...

Sounds wonderful!! The race, I mean. Running in 80 degrees is rarely easy, even for a Floridian.

IronWaddler said...

I love it from a back of the packer

Anne said...

It's nice that the race is around a closed course (i.e., a lake path instead of road) so that there are no permits requiring the finish to be taken down by a specific time. That's usually why there's a cut-off. Let's here it for more lake races!!!

Sunshine said...

Those cut-offs are sometimes just an excuse... or the course could be altered only a little to make provision for more of the running community to participate.

Vickie said...

Sounds like a great race! And Horray for you for doing it!

Nancy said...

That's wonderful!!