Tuesday, March 18, 2008


This early morning scene greeted us today..
It was the wonderful kind of snow that kids love... just right for snowballs ...sticking together ... and plenty of it for building stuff in snow.

Hard to imagine that 8K race two days ago in St. Paul.. in 4 inches of snow. (see previous post.)

So back to the community center track for 9K this morning.

Yesterday we had a free consultation with the new trainer who just started working at the community center. We got a new stretch and exercise program to perk us up.

On the way home we stopped at Target for an exercise ball and some stretch bands. Oh the fun of the variety of it all....


Anne said...

Just imagine what that race might have been like with that type of precipitation falling. Heck, maybe everyone would have posted PRs from sliding to the finish.

The snow shots are gorgeous. And make me shiver.

rocketpants said...


I hope the snow decides it has had enough of you guys soon!

Nancy said...

Oh my goodness. It has to give up soon.

Margaret said...

I recently wrote on Teresa's blog that folks who HAVE snow don't want it, whereas those, like me, who don't really really want it. I wish I could beam myself over to your house right this second to have a look at that beautiful snow landscape! Wow. Oh, and throw a few snowballs at the three of you, too! :-)
Take care!
Florence, Italy

Margaret said...

Oops, there should be a noticeable pause between "don't" and "really really" (I meant: "those who don't have snow really really want it). Hem hem.
:-) Margaret (again)

Mr. Satan A. Chilles said...

Nice photos, I like how the blue color of the sky makes the snow look blue as well.

That said, I'm glad it's not here! I don't mind snow, but it's too late for us.

Nice race, too!

Unknown said...

It's been a white winter for you, hasn't it?!

Backofpack said...

Yikes! Did I mention that our Thundercloud Plums are just beginning to burst into glorious pink clouds? No? Probably because I didn't want to make you feel bad. Well, while you are circling the indoor track, imagine instead you are circling my neighborhood, running under pink clouds against a dark gray sky, dry roads, but looming rain. Pretend!

IronWaddler said...

Beautiful photos but enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

The snow looks beautiful. I think it is gone around here except for in the mountains.

Anonymous said...

Way to stay positive :)

Have fun with the new training ideas!

Kel said...

Beautiful pictures of the snow, though I'm ready to be done with it for awhile.

I found your site thru Don's - his pictures always make me hungry :)

Vickie said...

Typical winter's last hurrah. I think its coming this way too. The good part? It won't last! Have fun with your new stretching. Don and I have been trying some new things too. Always something new to learn and keep you motivated.

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) said...

Always love the photos you post, Sunshine!

I just blogged about the snow too. Love how it looks, but am getting sick of running in it.

Also looking at some training/trainer options, so we are both thinking about the same stuff these days.

Great minds must think/plan alike!

ShirleyPerly said...

Wow! That's definitely more snow that I've ever seen in real life.

Rich said...

My kids would have loved that snow. You can only imagine what they had to make do with the 1/2 inch we got here in Dallas!